The Moon enters this phase on October 14 at 17:56 UTC. Because of the distance, the Moon looks larger-than-usual.
#Orion no ya full
This is a supermoon, which is a full moon or new moon that nearly coincides with the closest distance the Moon comes to the earth in its orbit. As it it will be closer to Earth it may look larger and brighter.

This Full Moon will also be the last of four supermoons for 2023. The following moon is called “the hunter’s moon”. The names are attributed to Native Americans. In American folklore, the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox (22 or 23 September) is traditionally called “harvest moon” or “full corn moon”. The Full Moon phase will occur at 09:59 UTC and it will be visible, fully illuminated, as the Moon will be located on the opposite side of Earth as the Sun. Viewers can observe deep space objects and constellations like Orion with its nebulae and the Pleiades, a star cluster that has been known for centuries, inspiring legends between certain Native American people, like the Cherokees and the Iroquois. However, this will be the best time of the month to observe galaxies and star clusters in the sky because there is no moonlight. It will not be visible in the night sky because the Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun. The Moon enters this phase on September 15 at 01:41 UTC.

So, mark your calendars and prepare to be awed by the cosmic events that will unfold throughout what is left of the year. In this calendar, we’ll guide you through the key dates when the Moon take scenter stage, providing a chance to witness interesting phenomenons. From the dance of the Moon through its phases to the spectacle of solar and lunar eclipses, these celestial occurrences have long held fascination for people across cultures and generations.