If you have a large enough vehicle such as a pickup truck or van, the freight guys will simply load the entire pallet onto your vehicle with a forklift away from the warehouse in the parking areas. There are two ways you can handle this method of freight. They are large warehouses where products are staged for shipping to local addresses. Freight Terminal Pickupįreight terminals are points we ship to in your region. Pallet jacks cannot be pushed up or down steep inclines.
If it can be rolled into the garage or another area where it will be protected from the elements, the better** In order to make a more pleasant experience for all, please be ready and accommodate the drivers as they have other places on their schedule.
With lift gate service, the driver will off load the pallet(s) and get it as close as possible to your home or business. Any additional services on delivery not included on our signed order confirmation must be authorized by us. Pallet jacks are often used(shown on the right) only if there's a smooth hard surface to roll it on. In cases where there is hard asphalt or concrete, and the truck can get close to your home or business, a lift gate service is offered at an additional cost. Boxes or cartons of prefinished flooring can weigh anywhere from 25 to 60 pounds depending on the species or style selected(solid or engineered). Have plenty of able bodied help available. Drivers will assist in handing down boxes from the truck but it will be your responsibility to get it into the home from there. Curbside is defined as the truck will only go as far as the end of your driveway. Residential service is considered "curbside delivery". In these cases you may need a pickup or van to transfer the flooring from this point to your home. If you have a driveway or road that's inaccessible for large trucks such as the one shown on the left, it will have to be offloaded at the closest point where you will be responsible for it from there. It's important, especially with home deliveries, the freight company is made aware of where it's going. These are the same large ones you see whizzing by you on the interstates. In most cases residential deliveries will be made with large tractor trailer trucks.